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UNDESA-DSPD Newsletter, April 2017


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Newsletter Vol. 2, No. 04 | April 2017

Indigenous Women Empowered as Agents of Change

The sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 13 to 24 March 2017. For the first time in the history of CSW, ‘The Empowerment of Indigenous Women’ was covered substantially as an emerging issue/focus area. Given the long history of concerted efforts to place indigenous peoples issues, including indigenous women, on the global agenda, this was an achievement in itself.

On 16 March, a high level interactive dialogue session took place addressing the empowerment of indigenous women in four thematic areas: political participation; violence perpetrated against them; economic opportunities and; climate change and responses

The session heard 19 governmental interventions by 16 minsters and other senior governmental officials. There were nine invited speakers with two representatives of the UN system and six civil society representations. Indigenous women were also invited to share their progress, but also to express the challenges they continue to face. This produced a rich discussion with many concrete examples and practical steps for the further empowerment of indigenous women and girls.

The conversation will continue in three weeks time at the 16th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII).

Read more about the interactive dialogue session here.

Find out about the upcoming UNPFII  here.

Watch: Indigenous women are raising their voices and can no longer be ignored

Around the world, indigenous women provide tremendous contributions to sustainable development and the well-being of their families, communities and national economies. Yet indigenous women are often prevented from realising their full capabilities; they face multiple levels of discrimination as women and as indigenous and are often invisible in the programme, plan and policy of government.In 2014 Member States invited the Commission on the Status of Women to consider the empowerment of indigenous women as a theme for future sessions and this year it became a reality. It was a moment for indigenous women to “come up, step up, and give out [their] voices and let the nation and the states know that [they] want to be at the forefront of this topic.”

Call to Action on World Down Syndrome Day 2017

In celebration of the 12th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), the United Nations Headquarters hosted the 6th World Down Syndrome Day Conference on 21 March. This year’s theme was, ‘#MyVoiceMyCommunity – Enabling people with down syndrome to speak up, be heard and influence government policy and action, to be fully included in the community.’

The celebration showcased unique examples of how advocates and self-advocates are currently working together to ensure the realisation of the 2017 WDSD theme.

For example, CoorDown is an Italian organization that protects and promotes the rights of persons with Down syndrome. Irene Galli (18) recently joined the CoorDown’s Self Advocate Advisory Board, which is comprised of young people and adults with Down syndrome with the aim of representing their views in order to advise the CoorDown Council.

When it comes to the empowerment of people with Down syndrome, and people with disabilities more generally, combining the facilitative capacity and resources of advocates, with the ability, experience and passion of self-advocates, makes for a powerful force. Self-advocacy is also a fundamental part of making progress in ensuring that no one is left behind, a pledge made by the international community through the 2030 Agenda.

Read more about the event here.

Learn more about World Down Syndrome Day here.

World Autism Awareness Day 2017 

Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination

On this day, people with autism had two requests: acceptance of their difference and respect for their difference.

This year’s observance of World Autism Awareness Day (2 April) took place at UNHQ on Friday 31 March under the theme ‘Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination’. This theme speaks to the paradigm shift evident in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), specifically Article 12, that persons with disabilities are not victims to be pitied, but autonomous individuals who are entitled to equal access before the law and should be supported in their decision-making on issues that affect their lives.

Autonomy and self determination of people with autism cannot be separated from their human rights; it is only when the human rights of people with autism are truly protected and enjoyed that will they be able to enjoy autonomy and self determination. It is a sad reality that people with autism still do not enjoy the same human rights as everyone else, despite the progress made by the CRPD. Therefore, there is a tremendous amount of work to do.

The event heard from a range of experts, advocates, caregivers and self-advocates, making for rich discussions on a range of issues related to the autonomy and self-determination of people with autism; from supported decision making versus substituted decision making, to ways in which society can most effectively move forward. Individuals with autism also shared their experience of their road to independence and their hopes for the future.

Read more about the event here.Learn more about World Autism Awareness Day here.

Featured Story

Experts of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues meet in Canada in the lead up to the 10th Anniversary of the UN Declaration

In preparation for the 16th Session of the UNPFII, which will commemorate on the 10th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the expert members of the Permanent Forum gathered in Ottawa from 27 February to 3 March, in a pre-sessional meeting hosted by the Government of Canada. The experts met with First Nations, Métis and Inuit representatives as well as government officials and parliamentarians. The commitment of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his unequivocal support to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples announced in May 2016 was warmly welcomed.

Learn more about the meeting here.

Call for Youth Delegates to the annual Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Are you a young person with a disability? Are you passionate about the rights of people with disabilities? Participation in decision -making is one of the key priority areas of the United Nations agenda on youth. One form of youth participation at the UN is the inclusion of youth delegates in a country’s official delegation to the UN General Assembly and various functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council. This year’s annual COSP is currently looking for youth delegates.

For more information click here.

Highlights: CSocD55 Side Events Co-Sponsored by DSPD

Exploring the Case for a City group on Ageing and Age-disaggregated Data


Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Indigenous Women and Girls 

Networking Workshop: Advancing the Leadership of Women and Girls with Disabilities

Featured Publication

CSocD54 2016 Civil Society Participation Evaluation Report

The 54th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD54) took place from 3-12 February 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, under the priority theme, ‘Rethinking and Strengthening Social Development in the Contemporary World’.

A total of 320 representatives from 124 ECOSOC accredited organisations attended the session. The regional distribution of participants was disproportional with 71 percent of participants coming from North America and 11 percent from Europe. Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean sent a combined 18 percent of participants.Overall, the general satisfaction of participants that did attend CSocD54 was positive, with 84 percent of attendees surveyed likely to return to CSocD55.

To increase representation, it is recommended that Member States include civil society members in their delegations and take a more active role in the Commission. For the Division of Social Policy and Development, improving outreach and better data collection of participation should be implemented to increase civil society engagement with Member States. NGOs are encouraged to reach out to other organisations and representatives to promote the Commission, encourage younger members to participate and to engage in cross-issue collaboration of written and oral interventions as well as side events.


Read the full report here.



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